
(Soil waterproofing & modifier)



This product is a water soluble, UV and heat stable, reactive soil modifier which has the ability to retain the strength of road bases whilst also resistant to deformation. It is typically used on shoulders, slopes, embankments, road bases, and earth roads. It is also used for erosion control. This product eliminates capillary rise and water ingress from infrastructure top, thus maintaining DRY CBR under WET CONDITION.Some of the Road solutions Offered by XL-Terrasoil Nano Technology Include;

  • Offering a technology platform which eliminates the major causes of road failure
  • The nano level molecular hydrophobation of soil particles in this product helps to reduce moisture susceptibility of expansive soil. Thus,soil expansion is eliminated causing water impermeability.
  • The XL-Terrasoil technology makes possible as well as promote the useof local or insitu soils material thereby saving costs and offering flexibility to road construction at more effective costs
  • XL-Terrasoil treated soil remains consistently dry under wet environment / conditions thus maintaining its dry CBR values.


The Uniqueness of XL-Terrasoil for soil Treatment

This product is a unique infrastructural development material because;

  • It provides better compaction of soil to 98 percent density (Proctor Test)
  • It improves the CBR of soil in both dry and wet conditions by 100 percent
  • It enhances long-term durability and reduced elasticity of soil by 90 percent
  • It promotes UV stability as well as enhance non-leachable chemistry in soils
  • The product guarantees economical water consumption for soil compaction by 35%
  • The product follows simple application.  Dilute at site with portable water, mix and apply


This product is a water soluble, UV and heat stable, reactive soil modifier which has the ability to retain the strength of road bases whilst also resistantto deformation. It is typically used on shoulders, slopes, embankments, road bases, and earth roads. It is also used for erosion control. This product eliminates capillary rise and water ingress from infrastructure top, thus maintaining DRY CBR under WET CONDITION.Some of the Road solutions Offered by XL-Terrasoil Nano Technology Include;

  • Offering a technology platform which eliminates the major causes of road failure
  • The nano level molecular hydrophobation of soil particles in this product helps to reduce moisture susceptibility of expansive soil. Thus,soil expansion is eliminated causing water impermeability.
  • The XL-Terrasoil technology makes possible as well as promote the useof local or insitu soils material thereby saving costs and offering flexibility to road construction at more effective costs
  • XL-Terrasoil treated soil remains consistently dry under wet environment / conditions thus maintaining its dry CBR values.


The Uniqueness of XL-Terrasoil for soil Treatment

This product is a unique infrastructural development material because;

  • It provides better compaction of soil to 98 percent density (Proctor Test)
  • It improves the CBR of soil in both dry and wet conditions by 100 percent
  • It enhances long-term durability and reduced elasticity of soil by 90 percent
  • It promotes UV stability as well as enhance non-leachable chemistry in soils
  • The product guarantees economical water consumption for soil compaction by 35%
  • The product follows simple application. Dilute at site with potable water mix in a concrete mixer